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Corona Virus Procedures

In oder to maintain social distancing guidelines Annie has decided to put these safety procedures in place.  Clients must not be contagious, be fever free for 48 hours and have not been traveling/in contact with anyone known to be ill.  Clients are required to comply or the appointment will be cancelled or stopped and payment will still be expected. 


All clients and family members must wear a mask during service.  It is asked that limited members of the family are home if possible.  Please station yourself in a different room from the area I will be grooming.  I know this may be inconvenient, but in order or me to keep serving my clients who are at risk, I need to be as safe as possible.  Payment will still be taken in cash, but must be bagged.  All personal belongings must be cleared from around the bathing area and the grooming area.  It is preferred to groom as close to the entrance as possible to reduce exposure. 


Annie will be washing her hands as soon as she arrives.  Please have hand soap available so Annie can wash her hands many times during the service. Annie will then set up her equipment and get your pet.  Please wash your hands in preparation of hand off of pet and remove all collars.  Please try to hand off without touching Annie, so we can reduce transfer of contaminants.  Pets will be bathed first and wet shaved if needed.  Pets will then be completed and let go to owner. Annie will then take bagged payment, wash her hands and clean up/sanitize equipment.  Equipment will be sanitized outside before packing up towel and PPE will be removed and Annie will spray herself with disinfectant before getting in the car.  


***As vacuums cannot be sanitized as easily, Annie will not be bringing one for the time being.  Please provide a vacuum or broom/dustpan for Annie to clean up with.  Clients will also be required to dispose of hair trash at each appointment.  


Nail Trims/Cat appointments- as these appointments do not include a bath for the animal to remove contaminants, Annie will be washing hands before and after the service as well as changing clothing completely before the next appointment.  If clients are required to help during the service, they will be asked to wash their hands before and wear a mask. 

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© 2017-2021 Annie's Purple Pet Services 

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